
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

And they called it Puppy Love...

Oh wait......I didn't tell you?

Oh yeah, I'm engaged.  Not engaged in mischievous international drug cartel kind of way, the married way.  His name is Ricky (well, that's what I call him) and he's a half-Canadian, quarter Jew with wicked music taste and legs that go all the way to......well, you know where.  We met a couple of years ago when we filled out a honeymoon survey together for our friend Hyeku and we've been friends pretty much ever since.  
 I knew he was a keeper when I called him up excitedly and asked him to guess what ridiculously expensive beautiful gift I had just gotten myself and his first guess was a L.A.M.B. bag.  And he was right.  

He lives in Arizona, I live in Utah, we live on the phone.  But soon I'll live in Arizona and together we will hunt the scorpions trying to attack us in the night. 

And the best part?  He's promised to take me to Cuba before the summer ends.  Swoon.


Mike Lau said...

Maybe you should get engaged in a drug cartel as well. It'd be a great way to finance little Ricky through med school. You guys can look into it while you visit El Presidente.

Mrs. Ordinary said...

You look HOT Laquina! And not just because you're a robot.

tara said...

Which now makes you a smug married.

natalie said...

Congrats Lisha! When is the actual day?

Marge Bjork said...

i second mike. but i figure the trip to cuba has something to do with the drug cartel.
smuggest married ever.

Laquina said...

OK singletons,

I'm not married YET. So naturally I can't be smug until then. But when I am married you better believe I'm going to ask you why you're still single and why there are sooo many other single women. And then I'll force you to wear a girdle so you find someone and have babies before your ovaries dry up.

And we officially become smug on Dec.27th Natalie


tara said...

I just don't think there is any difference between a smug engaged and a smug married. A rose by any other name... In fact I recall you telling me not long ago, "Tick-tock. Tick-tock."

Or at least, so it seemed.

Kelli Radmall said...

Congrats girlfriend-good thing you hurried. I was kind of worried about those ovaries. Wooo. Close one.

The Kemps said...

YEY!!! We're so excited for you and can't wait to meet him...I'm going to need to approve :) Love ya Leesh

rich said...

Thanks for the shout out fiancee. Whenever I think fiancee I always think "Ouch, my bones. I have avian bone syndrome."

You know I have thought about Cuba. I am just saying if I get offered some kind of double agent offer, or an ambassador type position... I'm taking it.

Marge Bjork said...

rich looks like j.crew meets robot

rich said...

Mmm.. I was admiring the picture again, and Lisha... you just look to human to be a robot. I think it is because you are bending your knees.

Let's hope that we are not taken over by robots that look like humans. In which we will be forced to take shelter in a pub, but to get to the pub we will have to fake being robots. BUT a robot will notice your bendy knees and say "These are not ro-boids. Knees bendy. Does not compute."

Yep if that ever happens.... we're screwed.

Momoko Photography said...

You look hella skinny dude.

Anonymous said...

I know I've told you congrats about a million times, but chalk this up for a million and a 1. :) I'm so excited for you and Ricky, Rich, Richard, Dick...whatever I'm supposed to call him.

irene said...

I'm sooo hAPPY YOU GUYS ARE ENGAGEDDDDD. please send me things like pictures and little love notes (i know you're going to have to splurge on the postage):
27 rue Blanchemaille
59100 Roubaix FRANCE.

Thank you.