
Friday, October 10, 2008

Bing, Bam, boom

You know I've always know that my family was jealous of me.  The siblings are a given since I am the youngest and had the easiest rules and more things given my way, but I think my parents are in on it too.  I couldn't help it if my dad gave me a cell phone for my birthday instead of the pager I asked for in high school.  

It was a BIG deal to have a phone back in '99, let me tell you - very helpful for getting digits while I was cruisin' Movies 8.  And it wasn't my decision to send-off my brother and sister on a mission about the same time so that I got sole use of the latest car during my senior year and in my defense if you saw the car you would know it wasn't THAt big of a deal.  

But now with my impending nuptials I think everyone is slowly trying to act out their own forms of revenge.  My mom decided to break her ankle in two places a couple of weeks ago.  Nice.  Now we are going to have to bedazzle her boot for the big day.  My oldest hermana went and broke her toe today.  Nice.  Who is going to cart my cake up to SLC that day?  My abuela is 96 and asks for tea every night.  Nice.  My brother and sister in law decided to fly back to Utah the night before.  Nice.  I need everyone refreshed for pictures.  

I know this isn't the last of the revenge.  Everyone better start knocking on wood because the chain-reaction of injuries is about to strike again.

And on a completely unrelated note, I am watching police academy right now as I type and has anyone ever noticed that Kim Catrall has done some pretty sweet movies?  Besides Police Academy she's been in Big Trouble in Little China and Manequin.  I would love to have that resume.


Miggy said...

Nuptials? You're getting married? Did I miss something? Either way Congrats and please dish.

Kelli Radmall said...

Neighbor of mine-congrats on getting engaged! Of course I had to hear it through my mom who gained the information from your temporarly crippled mother at Spanish class. I will help you bedazzle the boot if needs be.