
Sunday, December 9, 2007

Me, myself and I

I'm coming down with something. Yep, I can definitely feel it getting worse. I forayed into the world of hypochondriacs to diagnose myself this evening and the verdict is in; narcissism. Not in an 'I like to stare at my profile in the mirror' or 'make everyone around me listen while I belt out songs' kind of way. My strain of narcissism is much, much worse. I love my own blog *gasp*. I do. I read it over and over. I check for comments everyday, but I always read through it first. Its almost as if I never wrote it in the first place and when I read it I react like, 'yeah, I know how that feels'! Sometimes I read it multiple times a day. I just get such a kick out of myself sometimes. I know, I know.......I KNOW. How dare I admit it? How dare I even think it! But it gets worse. I feel bad for posts like yesterday that I feel are kind of a cop-out. Like I let my public down. Who do I think I am? My public? I can feel my head getting bigger and bigger as I type this blasphemy. I feel like I need to post everyday and I get annoyed when other people don't. I read your blog to snoop into your life and it gets difficult when there is no material provided. C'mon. I'm churning post after post out and I get nothing in return. The narcissist vein in my left ear is throbbing as I type this. If you all don't start posting more its going to explode and your blood will be running down my neck into my shirt collar. Sick. Don't worry about me, I'm getting help. I'll be taking a strong cocktail of vanilla hazelnut tea, America's Most Smartest Model and some pill the kids down the street gave me that has 'oxy'gen in it? And FYI: cold water gets blood out.


Katrina said...

Very funny! I'm the same way. I admit it. Perhaps we can start a support group. Narcissistic Bloggers Anonymous.

BTW... this is my first visit here. I linked over from your sister's segullah post.

Marge Bjork said...

i knew it.