
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

King Pin

I miss TV.  If TV were a person it would be my closest confidant.  Only TV knows what I really watch when I'm alone.  I just realized tonight as I was finishing up a chapter of math work (I could barely get that out without puking) that it has been days since I sat down to watch, really watch TV.  And I just realized that I may or may not have missed the premiers of both Rob and Big and the new Challenge on MTV - so unlike me.  The 15 min that I caught of the Golden Girls doesn't count, it was just an appetizer.  I skipped out on fun last night to bury my head in population statistics and excel sheets, I don't even like excel that much.  All work and no play makes Laquina a dull girl.  Well, I did play a little tonight during bowling...but that is technically still school.  I decided I needed to man up and begin integrating a 10lb. ball with my usual 9lber.  I'm strength training my bird-like wrists so that one day I can shop for my targeted 8 hrs without developing shopping-arm.  Those in my league will understand.  I also gave myself a new bowling name: XTERMNATR.  A slight change from my old break-dancing name: X-TINGUISHA.  The good thing about bowling is that you can reinvent yourself each new class period.  Who knows, maybe this thursday I'll be RAMBO or PRTYGRL.  How about QTCOED, or something really ominous like BLDSPLTR?  As always I'm accepting any suggestions.  Keep in mind I have little to no competition in this department; today I was next to Lenny and Samwise.  C'mon. 


kiki said...

PNKRUSHR, but that might get confused for Pink Rusher, and I'm not really sure what that is.

I'm in mourning for all of the writer's contracts that were canceled yesterday. I need TV! Thank goodness for HBO and Showtime shows!

Laquina said...

It took me a minute, but I finally got it. Kiki...I think thats genius! I'll use that one this thursday.

Momoko Photography said...

bllbrkr. that can have a double meaning.