
Saturday, November 17, 2007

100% Cotton my eye

I hate getting ready for bed. I hate the whole process and I hate wasting my time with this nightly ritual. All I ever want to do at the end of the night is fall into my bed makeup on and teeth unbrushed and sleep the night away. But my whole life I've always heard "NEVER sleep with your makeup on". And since its usually some model or famous makeup artist saying it I just do it. Must be the secret to fabulosity. And to be honest, I've slept with my makeup on and its bad, really bad. There is nothing like a nice clump of mascara in your eye to get you up and at 'em the next morning. So tonight, like a good human being, I began the ritual. Pin bangs away from face, pull hair into pony tail, slip on headband, brush teeth for at least one minute(Sensodyne recommends it), pluck stray eyebrow hairs, remove eye makeup, wash face, dry face, apply toner and take out hair. Except this time things went horribly wrong after washing my face. I reached for my towel and began the process of drying my face off when BAM! Towel in the eye. TOWEL IN THE EYE! Somehow during this repetitive motion my guiding fingers went off course and headed on a crash course for my left eye. Its hard to describe the feeling of forest green terrycloth soaking up all your eye juices but it feels a little something like this; a combination of an air conditioner blowing right in your eye with the dull pain you get from pressing on your eye sockets too long. All in all not the best night cap I've ever had. Must be more careful next time. Thanks a lot Martha Stewart for your 100% cotton towels, thanks a lot.


Marge Bjork said...

Mmm...I hate it when I poke my eye with terry.

Carina said...

You're such a baby.

rich said...

Nice, I'm caught up on your blog. This has to be my favourite story. Nightly rituals, I hate them too. I think you'll be proud to know that I brushed my teeth tonight. So now that has extended my night time ritual to: 1) getting undressed 2) brushing my teeth