
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My Cabeza Hurts

My head hurt today. I rarely get headaches but I had one today. I stayed up too late last night making new music mixes and I payed for it today. But I did realize that I am really good at, seriously. Work was interesting today. El Guille exhibited major signs of hanging out with me today. Sign #1: I was in the kitchen cutting up an apple when I heard "Oh my GOSH" from the living room. #2: He learned how to say, "for the love" today. #3: After learning the phrase from #2 I said, "your mama isn't going to like that one very much" to which he replied, "no YOUR mom isn't going to like that". #4: most things I say are followed with "no YOUR ........". Baby didn't want to eat or sleep or play this afternoon which didn't help the headache but he's just sooo cute that it doesn't matter too much. The headache was further pushed into my brain when I had to take abuela to the bank after work. That is always a process which takes much longer than necessary and much energy to get through. I was done. So I climbed the stairs to my wing of the house and took a little ciesta to allow the Ibuprofen to work its magic. I woke up an hour later resolved to make it to Yoga. I went, but it was NOT pretty. I knew something was wrong during my first crocodile (basically a push-up) when my arms felt like they had been smeared with tubs and tubs of burning Ben-gay. I couldn't even make it to up-dog once tonight during my sun salutations. It went from bad to worse. My balance, which is actually my forte, decided to stay home as I wibbled and wobbled all over the place. I felt horrible and much worse I looked horrible trying to gracefully execute warrior 3. I finally decided to cut my losses 10 min. early when I decided that if I was going to be sick I'd rather do it at home than in front of the fine people at 24hr. And to make matters worse, Tuesday TV nights suck, they are utterly dismal. I mean, have you ever tried to watch 'Cavemen' or 'Carpoolers'? I'd rather admit that I wrote the WHOLE Burn Book by myself. There was nothing to entertain me as I lay motionless on the couch - why couldn't this have happened on Thursday? But don't worry, even though I am word vomiting, there was no actual vomit.

1 comment:

Marge Bjork said...

I think this might also be a part of your bad karma for likening me unto the beef in chili today.