That's right, Save Azbiristan! In case you are wondering they are suffering from an oppressive military dictatorship under the cruel hand of their dictator Chachumpskie. "Chumpatize Chachumpskie!" Cousin E. pleaded with the passerby's. I went for a more religious angle, "put your shoulder to the wheel and help!", "help us help someone else", "have you done any good in the world today?", "only you can prevent book burning!" Mike had to keep helping me remember how to say the dictators name that I came up with. I explained to anyone who would listen about the plight of the Azbiristanis. "They are burning books and limiting education for the children. They are harassing nuns and burning churches. Sign this petition that we will send to the UN to show them that someone cares!".
We had a couple of people ask where Azbiristan was to which I simply replied.."its by all the other 'stans' in central Asia. You know, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, its right there". Only one girl questioned us for a while but she was no match for me and my quick thinking brains.
"It would help if you guys had more information out for people to read and you don't seem very passionate about it. Also, I've never really heard of this.....what do you expect the President to do about this, blah, blah, blah."
To which I replied....."I'm not going to lie, this was a little last minute I wish I had more information to give you, but we just wanted to do something, anything to help. And I am very into giving the Azbiristanis the freedom they deserve. They don't get much press because the media is always reporting on the middle east and ignoring this area. And we don't expect the President to do anything that doesn't serve his self interests so we decided to bypass him and go straight to the UN. Help the children read, sign your name". She was finally bested and signed her name only to come back 15 min later to see the name of the country so she could "look it up" later. Fine. Look it up and see that after all that YOU are the one who got chumpatized. After about an hour we decided to dis-band the protest with 14 signatures to save Azbiristan.....I think thats a new Azbiristani record! And in conclusion I leave you with the liberation song Cousin E sang next to our table to help the cause;
"Help save Azbiristan fro-o-o-m that evil man, he uses lot's of crooks to burn up all their books".
yessss. I particularly like my little song. I'm so glad it will help repressed little non-existent children get some attention. good work ma cousine.
I must say it felt good to do something for somebody else today.
I just did a google search for Azbiristan... this site is the ONLY result... well other than "Did you mean Uzbiristan?" Fantastic! I hope the girl searches for it after you made this post.
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